Star Wars and all associated elements are © 2015 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.Fantasy Flight Games, the FFG logo and X-Wing Miniatures Game are trademarks of Asmodee/Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.
You use this software at your own risk, the authors are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this software. If you do not agree with these terms do not use this software, simple.
Download your very own copy of x-wing-ai here!Includes x-wing-ai 1st and 2nd Editions and the HotAC+FGA AI 2nd Edition apps, all in a single zip-file package for offline use. This is a FREE download.
Dovi Anderson's Additional Imperial Ship/Pilots and Optional AI Device Rules by Dovi Anderson (included in the HotAC/FGA Page with permission).
Fantasy Flight Games
Atomic Mass Games 2.5 Ed Documents
BoardGameGeek X-Wing Minitures
X-Wing TMG 2nd Edition Wiki
The 2nd Edition AI and Combined fileset work is dedicated to the memory of my stepson, Chris Glidden,a devoted Star Wars fan and X-Wing player, who lost his year-long fight with pancreatic cancer in February 2019. Chris was a Jedi Knight, right to the very end. May the Force always be with you, son.
Special Thanks:
Ralph Berrett for years of work on the original X-Wing_AI code, and for making it so easy to modify, and for sharing it with the world for free.
SirJorj for developing all of the 1st and 2nd edition X-Wing Miniatures game ships, maneuvers, pilots and actions at xhud.sirjorj.com
Without this valuable asset, the X-Wing_AI2 effort would have been almost impossible.
Dovi Anderson for improvements to AI cards and Optional AI Device Rules
The members of Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Facebook Site
who made great suggestions for improving x-wing AI: James Kantor, Nicolas Guillemin, Brian Lauritsen, Will Supinski, Dovi Anderson
The members of BoardGameGeeks who helped out:
nightbomber for the initial Ship AI Algorithm.SeraphTC for the images for the HWK-290 and Z95-Headhunter.
reverend Uncle Bastard for the target ring images
Spark for the Stressed Maneuver and using the Action Icons idea.